Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

Today the usual downpour of rain lashes down upon Shah Alam, since evening. Well it stopped for a while around 5pm, but it started to rain again around 9pm.

In the middle of the rain, Im sitting in front of my PC......... thinking.... and thinking....

Today I feel so blurry, my thoughts and empty, and my thinking are not properly aligned with my emotion.

I had to submit compiler construction project by Monday, test on Sunday and prepare for presentation on Monday. Why this condition had to happen now? Am I wearing out? Probably. Tired? Of course. Gone insane? Maybe.

Thankfully, there is someone there who always comforting me, regardless, Im feeling that I took too much of her time, and deep down, my instinct tell me that I somewhat made her feel "rimas".

Since Im usually kept much of my own feeling and thoughts to myself, with her I feel I can speak anything that had been frozen and disturbing my sanity. But, I had doubt that did I do the right thing.

And the rain continues to coming down.... and down... and down.... heavily.....


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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