Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

6am, as usual I woke up early. Apart from my brother snoring sound that can match the sound of rocket blasting off to outer space, its time for Subuh prayer also. So, I take a bath, and perform the prayer.

Around 7am I go jog at the lake. The weather are not hot in the morning, so its comfortable to jog around the lake. But to go there, I had to beat the rush hour traffic +_+ As my Elegan scooter flying past every slow moving car, there are also people who sleep while driving and try hit me from the side. I blow my horn loud enough to make the driver awake, also other road user at that time XD

8.30am, I back to the house, take a bath again and off to my dear house to take her report to bind and submit to the lecturer. Around 9:15am Im arrived. After that I go print my report and go to the shop to bind it. Well to my surprise, every single printing shop there closed, except one. so everyone go there and only one person there that serve the customer. Im waiting almost 45 minutes just to get the report to be bind.  After that I go around again to the faculty and submit the report.

Around 11am I back to my dear house. She want me to accompany her to UMW Toyota Klang for insurance renewal. The traffic to Klang is a bit light, maybe because its not rush hour time, but we got lost a bit because of the rerouting of the traffic in Klang. But my dear finally settle her insurance renewal and to her smiling..... is enough to make happy throughout the day.

We then have our lunch at McD before go to Plaza Alam Sentral to take a look at Samsung Corby Cool phone. The price is not what I expected, its almost RM150 pricier than my expected price. My dear looks unhappy when I reluctant to test the phone. In the end my dear asked to test the phone from one of the booth that sell it.

My brother call me to come the his studio as he got problem with the photoshop keep hang when he doing the editing job. After we done at PAS, my dear go back home, and I go heading to my bother studio. After some fixing, the photoshop is working again. But the rain come down quite heavy forced me to stay at the studio quite long, until 9pm +_+

Our first ride together

I call her after I bathed, and ask her if she having a dinner already. She didn't have dinner yet because she fall asleep. Heavy rain + pillow = comfortable sleep :-) hehehehe~

So I invite her for dinner, and Im surprised that she want to ride with me :D Its her first time to ride with me. As the elegan back seat a bit high, Im worried at first. But all goes well as we ride together to the restaurant for a late late night dinner.

After send her back home, she was smiling and bid me farewell~ Im melted.....

"Good night my dear~ I love you~"


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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