Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

The week that I will never forget.

The reason? A part from finally all the semester 2 task finish officially, well lets say Im totally happy.

Only the one who knows why, and I want to say "Thank you" so much to be there for me and give me such happiness in my life.

6am, as usual I woke up early. Apart from my brother snoring sound that can match the sound of rocket blasting off to outer space, its time for Subuh prayer also. So, I take a bath, and perform the prayer.

Around 7am I go jog at the lake. The weather are not hot in the morning, so its comfortable to jog around the lake. But to go there, I had to beat the rush hour traffic +_+ As my Elegan scooter flying past every slow moving car, there are also people who sleep while driving and try hit me from the side. I blow my horn loud enough to make the driver awake, also other road user at that time XD

8.30am, I back to the house, take a bath again and off to my dear house to take her report to bind and submit to the lecturer. Around 9:15am Im arrived. After that I go print my report and go to the shop to bind it. Well to my surprise, every single printing shop there closed, except one. so everyone go there and only one person there that serve the customer. Im waiting almost 45 minutes just to get the report to be bind.  After that I go around again to the faculty and submit the report.

Around 11am I back to my dear house. She want me to accompany her to UMW Toyota Klang for insurance renewal. The traffic to Klang is a bit light, maybe because its not rush hour time, but we got lost a bit because of the rerouting of the traffic in Klang. But my dear finally settle her insurance renewal and to her smiling..... is enough to make happy throughout the day.

We then have our lunch at McD before go to Plaza Alam Sentral to take a look at Samsung Corby Cool phone. The price is not what I expected, its almost RM150 pricier than my expected price. My dear looks unhappy when I reluctant to test the phone. In the end my dear asked to test the phone from one of the booth that sell it.

My brother call me to come the his studio as he got problem with the photoshop keep hang when he doing the editing job. After we done at PAS, my dear go back home, and I go heading to my bother studio. After some fixing, the photoshop is working again. But the rain come down quite heavy forced me to stay at the studio quite long, until 9pm +_+

Our first ride together

I call her after I bathed, and ask her if she having a dinner already. She didn't have dinner yet because she fall asleep. Heavy rain + pillow = comfortable sleep :-) hehehehe~

So I invite her for dinner, and Im surprised that she want to ride with me :D Its her first time to ride with me. As the elegan back seat a bit high, Im worried at first. But all goes well as we ride together to the restaurant for a late late night dinner.

After send her back home, she was smiling and bid me farewell~ Im melted.....

"Good night my dear~ I love you~"

My dad come home from outstation duty, and walk with me around the lake. The usual wisdom, my dad will lecture me while we walking together, as he can't run fast anymore. After that, I go to Tesco with my mom to buy grocery. My head still thinking about the report correction that still didn't complete.

After that, we all had a video call from my sister from US, where again, that's her only chance to speak Malay. Glad to see her well, although she have some cough and flu. The one week break is on for my sister and she plan to visit her friend house at Austin, Texas. Well hope she enjoy the break, she needed it that much.

As for me, we all go to the kenduri at wisma MBSA. The hall is pack. Even to eat we had to queue so long because of the buffet style of serving, and only 2 counter been served. Not to mention there is not enough table and seat. We had to share with other family on one table.

My little sister wanted to watch Iron Man 2 this evening. For that, I go get her 4 tickets of the movie, I don't want to watch it because I already watch the movie.

Back home, I sat back in front of my computer, and continue do the report correction.

Suddenly my phone rang~

"Hello, Assalamualaikum~"

"Waalaikumsalam syg~" she replied.

The sound of her voice echoed through the ear, vibrating straight to my heart and piercing through my conscious. She come back from her village. The cheer of my heart is inexpressibly by words.

Welcome home dear, I miss you so much~


Well, there is much event today. Ranging from kenduri jiran in front of my house to the ITEX'10 at KLCC. My little bro go to Putrajaya for Hari Belia, there is Karnival LKSA for the new highway opened near my parents home, and Youth Day 10 at PWTC. Whew~

3 nights

For 3 nights, I dreamed about her. Maybe I always thinking about her when I go to sleep. But the streak of 3 nights of dream with her......  I really miss her. It makes me sound in a misery. P.Ramlee kata sakit angau, dulu gelak la, sekarang dah kena.

Instead, I sit down and continue doing the massive correction for my report. Wanted to go jog this morning but the canopy in front of my house block the way. I can do some mumbo jumbo motorcycle stunt to get pass, but Elegan is one big heavy scooter, I can't do that stunt to pass through XD

I guess today my mom will skip cooking for lunch because of the kenduri. Free meals anyone? hehehe~

The time seems so slow passing by. Im really looking foward to see her again, and do nice things together :)

Really.... I miss her.

There is no word to describe how empty I feel without her. Her joyous smile on her face, the beautiful eyes that makes my heart melted...

New wireless home phone

Yesterday I fitted new DSL splitter, now it should be no problem to connect to internet while connecting to the home phone at the same time. I also replace the TM old fashion phone with new wireless phone. My mom is happy.

After that I go buy myself a new pair of running shoes. New shoes for jogging around the lake, yehaa XD

I spend the day to do correction for my special topic report then, but there is too much correction to be done, and the weather change to rain, how sleepy (anyone want to guess what's next?)

XNA game development

I look out on several references on the XNA studio game development, maybe I could develop simple game in this semester break. Judging that I will go and watch my brother newly open studio, I have much time to do the work and coding also.

Who knows in the end of semester break I come out with one nice 1 level game :)

Now if you ask me, Im counting the day. The day when will she back. I miss her so much. Time pass so slowly... one day felt like a year now~

Well, today is quite a day. How should I start?

I woke up early as usual, and go jog around at the lake. around 9am, Im calling her. Hope she still at her house. At first she didn't answer it, so I go take a shower. After that, she finally pick up the phone, well, apparently she in the shower as well XD I ask her if she want to go breakfast together, so agreed and after the breakfast, she left for her village. Im gonna miss her....

After that, I go to the faculty and collect my report for correction. Oh my, too many correction to do. As usual, I greeted the lecturers there along the way. And I go back home and study for the report correction.

After solat zohor, I go down the stair for the lunch. I was planning to go Lowyat to find the DSL splitter that has been broken. Around 2:30pm, I was off to the Komuter station. And the journey to lowyat plaza takes around 1 and half hour. I wondering around lowyat, try searching this tiny little pieces of equipment. Beside searching what I was looking for, I can't help also looking around for the new phones, gadgets, computer equipment. Guess I had been carried away :P

Around 6:30pm my mom start calling me, but I can't hear it nor feel it because of the noise and I was walking around at that time. When I finally realize, I got around 4 miss call +_+ (sorry mom). At the time like this, the monorail and komuter service will be packed with the people trying to go home as soon as possible. And the train, sigh, late again....

I decided to have a dinner at Rasamas restaurant at KL Sentral. Sitting there eating alone make I miss her even more.

I finally got onboard the train around 8pm and arrive at home around 9pm.

Membina unggul lelaki
That's the book title I come across the borders when I was wondering around this evening. One of the chapter describe about "Sikap lelaki yang wanita tidak sukai". As far as I remember, there is 3 of them;

  1. Lelaki yang suka berlagak
  2. Lelaki yang merayu pada wanita (what?)
  3. Lelaki yang terlalu menyayangi (double what?)
The first one, I get it, sometimes men ego can disgust women. Sometimes, men didn't even realize that he showing off or bragging to his female counterpart. Well, guess we all have weaknesses. The second one, the book describe that this kind of men crying to the women, begging for something (maybe money, or love?) The author said the women is weak and to men show the same weaknesses is a turned off for them. The last one, the author said that the men who invite women to the dinner at the restaurant, let her take a seat first, place the napkin on her lap, and saying to her that he loves her all the time is a turned off to the women. I was confused. Really? The author said that the women will think the men is crazy to do all sort of things to her. The author suggest that men should "control-macho" and didn't show the passion for the women.

I place the book back after read that line. Is it wrong for men to show her passion to the women he love? Or is it our culture that make men in malaysia all "control-macho"? I was thinking about that when I was walking around this evening.

What to do next?
Well, Im planning to do correction of my report and then do some work that can make me earn money this semester break. Funny though, I was always write that I always play games a while ago (checkout my old blog). But now, it seems not that attractive anymore. It kinda lose a magic touch that can make me sit for hour playing the games. Maybe, Im changing, or I realize there is much better things to do in life than playing video games all the time.

Whew, quite a lengthy post, till next part :)

Today the usual downpour of rain lashes down upon Shah Alam, since evening. Well it stopped for a while around 5pm, but it started to rain again around 9pm.

In the middle of the rain, Im sitting in front of my PC......... thinking.... and thinking....

Today I feel so blurry, my thoughts and empty, and my thinking are not properly aligned with my emotion.

I had to submit compiler construction project by Monday, test on Sunday and prepare for presentation on Monday. Why this condition had to happen now? Am I wearing out? Probably. Tired? Of course. Gone insane? Maybe.

Thankfully, there is someone there who always comforting me, regardless, Im feeling that I took too much of her time, and deep down, my instinct tell me that I somewhat made her feel "rimas".

Since Im usually kept much of my own feeling and thoughts to myself, with her I feel I can speak anything that had been frozen and disturbing my sanity. But, I had doubt that did I do the right thing.

And the rain continues to coming down.... and down... and down.... heavily.....

This blog seems very quiet since I wrote the first post almost 2 years ago.

So many things happen, and if anyone ever wonder, Im currently at the end of semester 2 of my post-graduate master degree. Everything should be over by 17th May, wish me luck :)

Old blog, good times~

oh yeah, I forgot to note that my old blog is at friendster blog. I don't know how to import it into blogger account, but I think its better to stay there, since I wrote it in my diploma and bachelor degree days (good times~ good times~)

I also wrote in other blog such as techrangers and Gamers Semalaya (the page seems down at the moment I wrote this), although Im not quite active. All because of my study take a toll on my time, and I also want to do part time work.

Chasing a dream?

Im almost finish my study, and I hope finally I can get a good job and build my life bit by bit. If you read my old blog, I have ever said that there is something missing deep in my heart, actually I already found the missing pieces~

Now I busy in the final days of second semester, so many things due in this tight 2 weeks. I gone through this experience since diploma, what I called as "hell week" :P where everything was so closely needed to be done, but too little time to complete it. As my experience told me, the result are usually not up to the standard I was hoping for, but at least it achieve its objective.

What I can do? Do my best and hope for the best.

Until the next post then~

The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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