Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

I once read a quote someone posted on facebook ( I didnt remember who said it):

Great people talk about IDEA
Average people talk about THINGS
Poor people talk about OTHER PEOPLE

 It is rare people will talk or discuss about the idea. This so called "idea" usually appeared to us as something that need to be think about, and we usually lazy to think anything or rarely come out anything that associated with an "idea". Maybe that is why only great people talk about "idea" because from the "idea", it can grow to something fruitful that can even benefit the mankind.

How about average people? does it really true average people talk about things only? things that may produced as a product of someone else idea. Usually we are like that. We talk about cars, smartphone, gadgets which is, all of it is a product of someone else idea. Do you ever read a review on "idea" before? For me, nope, I never read one. But the review for things around us, A LOT. People criticising, commenting someone else product and rarely come out with the bright idea on how to improve it.

Lastly, poor people. The lowest one. Does that mean politician is poor people? because they talk about other people a lot, hahaha. Does that mean talk about other people is bad? Its not bad, but usually it will lead to something bad. Trust me, people will go down to the lowest level when talking about other people.

Something to ponder upon on the last hour at my office...


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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