Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

I'm actually not good at remembering the date (hence the smartphone with reminder features is needed). But at this date last year (2011), I make a decision that is very important in my career progress.

   As I landed my first job as a programmer since December 2010, The end of May 2011 marked the end of my 6 month contract with the A company. But there is no word or even official letter from A company HR to continue or terminate my contract. Fear of becoming jobless haunted me. I then again scour through the job market, ploughing through opportunities that I can take to progress my career further.

Unlike my first interview, I now have to take a leave or half day leave so I can go to interview. Although I kept it secret from my current employer.

B company - Global IT company

When I arrived at the B company buildings at cyberjaya, one word can describe it. its HUGE. And the security is quite tight. I have to wait for the B company HR come to fetch me and register as visitor. They put a visitor sticker at my clothes (yes, its a sticker). Then I noticed that the building are quite hot. Maybe no sufficient air conditioning or the design of the building that allow the sun light to go through.

The HR personnel escort me to interview room where I need to sit for the test for half an hour. So I sit and take the test while waiting for the interviewer to come. After around 40 minutes the interviewer come in and greet me. To my surprise, the interviewer is not Malaysian. There is two of them, one is Vietnamese and another one from India. The vietnamese interviewer english are a bit weird, having hard time to understand what he says. While the India interviewer seems not care too much about the interview (play with his phone, go in and out interview room).

Overall, the interview experience is quite so-so only. And also I see the workers cubicle very small. After a while, they did call me back for second interview, but at that time its already too late :D

C company - Local IT company

This one is a bit interesting. They call me for the test first. Expecting the not so technical test, I come with confidence (no studying at all, hahaha). But this time, there is other few people that come also to take the test. To be honest, it feels like a university final exam :P

And when the test question booklet been handed to me, I was shocked. Its a full fledged test with every aspect covered. Including the mental and IQ challenge. In the advert they ask for fresh grad or less than 1 year experience, but the questions is more like they looking for people with 10 years of experience.

In the end I knew that I flunked the test. As comforting reply, the HR says they will call us later if they want to revise. I take that as "You fail, now go home"  LOL

D company - MNC Publishing company

As my luck seems running out with the IT company, I turn my focus to company that need someone that can help them maintain or develop small application to be used by their own company. I land an interview with D company which is at that time, just across the road where my gf (now my wife) are working. As for the first interview, they give me small test (just 3 questions) and interview with the manager. The manager are very friendly and knowledgeable, makes me very comfortable to reply any questions that been thrown to me.

After 2 weeks, they call me again for second interview. This time its the tele-conference interview with the managers in Australia. Its quite a nervous moment for me, but eventually, everything turned out just fine.

The offer that you cant refuse

 No, no. Im not been offered a job by a mafia boss, hahaha. After a week where the D company interview past, D company HR call me an offer the job. The salary was almost 2 x higher than my current job. At that time, my contract with A company ended without any word whether they want to continue my contract or not. So I wrote a resigned letter to HR which I resigned immediately because basically Im free already :)

After a brief goodbye to A company which taught me so much for the first 6 months of my career journey, I report to D company on 13th June 2011. Since then, much has happen. Including what you can read in my previous posts.

My career journey will surely not end here. Im sure in the future, I may again change company, or maybe work as government servant. We will never know what future hold, but I believe that whatever and wherever you work, remember that you work to find keredhaan of Allah and the rezeki given to us for living and continue to pray to Him.

Until the next post then :)


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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