Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

When you was young, you always thought that your parent have a lot of money. For me, at the beginning I also thought like that. Why? because I was given only 30sen to 50sen for school pocket money, but my parents got to hold cool RM50 notes.

How naive isnt it? For the record, my parents are not rich. My father is just a government salary man and my mom is full time house wife.

Because of that, I ask a lot from my parents. You know in the early 90s that's a lot of cool anime like transformers, gundam, macross, voltron and a lot of cartoon that main purpose is just to selling the toys. Well, my parents never bought any of it, like Transformers. How I dreamt to have one Optimus Prime toy when I was a little kid. Sadly, even until now I still cant get one.

Original Optimus Prime toy that I really want, cool right?

However, I still remember my father bought a Dash Yankuro Tamiya version Dancing Doll and Cannon Ball for my little brother and my older sister.

At that time, this thing cost around RM26 each, RM26 is like RM260 ya know

Not only that, my father also bought the box, rechargeable battery etc etc for me and my siblings to use to play this small car. But still missing one piece, a track. The track costs hundreds of ringgits if want to buy from the toy store. My father eventually take the picture of the one in the store and he made one for us using only a hard cardboard paper. I still remember it he work on it after back from work until late night just to complete it.

Kinda like in this video (just for example):

Ahhh sweet childhood. However my childhood is not all fun and games. And not everything that I wanted or demanded is fulfilled by my parents. I know that my parents are not rich. I realize where I am, and I realize I am not in the place to demand for more. As long as I have food to eat, place to sleep, go to school then it should be enough for me.

Since you cant have everything, you start to dream that one day, when you have a job and have your own money, you want to buy all the things that you always wanted. Really? I mean, REALLY?

I just realized once you stepped into the same shoe as your parents, the whole reality of cruel world fall down upon you. My parents now divorced, and until now the court case still not settled. Guess they have a lot of money to pay for the lawyer fee.

Until now, I cant stop thinking of money when want to do something;

Hmmm, want to go lunch... *thinking how much money left in my pocket*,
Hmm, that gadget looks nice... *thinking how much money left in the bank*,
Hmm, I should buy some clothes... *thinking about money again*,

No. NO. I cant stop thinking about money. Its frustrating.

 In the end, I fall back and retreat. And I always back to Allah, who always hear my prayer.
Im grateful. At least I still have everything that I need to continue my life and work. Thank You Allah~


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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