Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

Only a few days left before new semester starts for my masters study, and its my final semester, yay! XD

How to summarize my activities for almost 2 months of semester break? Well lots of it in my posts from May 2010 through June 2010. If I want to ask myself, which one is the best? read on for my countdown from 5 to the top...

5. June and its school holiday season = musim kahwin :D

How did I notice? well judging with the numerous wall posts of majlis kahwin and tunang, its the mating season (uhm, is the usage of this word is appropriate?)

But its not a bad thing, actually my family and myself got a lot of invitation to wedding and engagement ceremony, and what's more better to see a couple go through their happiest moment of their life :-)

I want to wish all my friends who have wed or engage to live happily ever after~ Semoga Allah memberikan kebahagiaan di sepanjang perjalanan hidup kalian~

4. Semester break = no work? WRONG.

For some reason, I would love to do some work in this semester break. Hence I work hard to finish my research assistant tasks, helping with my dad configuring their website and take part in the new system analysis, helping out my brother opening his new studio (yup, my bro finally open the studio) and do some work for my bro and earn some moooney~ :P

And it bring joy to me, is it mean I like to work? or its just I enjoy making people happy and earn experience myself. Whatever the reason, I love this semester break, although Im not gone to holiday, I feel happy~

3. An invitation to write for another international conference

Like the last semester break, my lecturer again, invite me to write for another international conference at the end of this year. One of my paper have been published by IEEE and now available here with the title: Policy Gaps in Virtual World. Unfortunately for that paper, I can't present the paper myself, and my lecturer, Mr. Muthu do the presentation.

But this time, Pn. Norizan ask me to do the presentation myself, and I think its good for me to earn some experience presenting paper at the conference like this. You guys can checkout this website to read about the conference. Hope my paper will be accepted and I have chance to earn experience. Wish me luck~

2. Great games released

The most anticipated games, Alan Wake have been released, and I felt so happy to be able to play in my free time. And not to forget Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar games rulesssss XD its storyline and multiplayer mode is just perfect, although some people said its GTA4 in Wild Wild West setting, I think Rockstar do a great job to make the as diverse as possible. And I like the part we can catch or lasso the bandit and drag them around while you on horse! awesome stuff.

Now I excited with the new Xbox360 and their KINECT. The microsoft E3 press conference just blew me away XD I want to play Dance Central~ LOL

On the other note, Im now sneaking on my PSP with MGS: Peace Walker~

1. Spending my time with her........

Among the most that happen in this semester break, I treasure the most the time I spent with her, someone special that close to my heart. Its bring me joy the most just to see her smile and laugh, To have conversation with her late at night until I fall asleep, and the best of all, its one year since we met and half year of dating together.

Thank you so much my dear, I will treasure every moment with you close to my heart, Im may not perfect, but I try my best to be your man~

And for conclusion...

I look foward to finish my studies and to open new chapter in my life. Semoga Allah memberkati ku disepanjang perjalanan ini.............


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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