Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

Semester break is where usually I enjoyed most (in my diploma and degree time). But time has changed, and as I take postgraduate master, semester break also mean "do something useful".

Gone are days where I usually sit in front of my PC or beloved game consoles playing for hours. Now, semester break I still sit in front of my PC, but do work such as conference paper or research assistant task and some freelance work.

A part of I gain experience and knowledge, some of this activity come with some income for me :)

On the other note, she have gone back home for her family. It's not a bad thing, its just I will miss her so much.

Hope she enjoy the time with her family and do well.

I miss you my dear~


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The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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