Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

Time flies really fast. Really. I just realize that almost a year I got married. Soon in november its gonna be our first anniversary, yay!

Before that, one month back is september, my birthday month. Im not sure why, but in september Im feeling I got a lot of gifts, from myself or from my wife hehehe.
I manage to assemble Gundam Age-1, Age-2 and Age-3 in september
Coming october, a lot of project coming in as my company now started to expand its software development capabilities. So Im gonna be one of the senior member in the development team, ohohohoho

And soon november, my wedding anniversary and what is more better than taking my lovely wife for a second honeymoon, maybe outside malaysia this time? hehehehe

I know maybe not many people read my blog, but hey, its my blog and I gonna write whatever that crossed my mind, till next post then...

The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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