Words from my heart

The place where I wrote something about my thought~

A dream. Everyone has a dream. The only problem with the dream is it giving out some sense of hope that someday we will achieve that dream. This hope must come with the will and work towards realizing the dream. Not like Im complaining for working towards achieving the dream but the truth is, this dream is getting nearer to become just a dream. Mission Impossible?

Well some says that everything is achievable if we work hard for it. In this era where that everything move so fast, people become impatient and most of them searching the shortcut to realizing the dream. In the end this shortcut make them ended in the long years of loan repayment, trapped in the loop where I loan somewhere else to pay other loan, and worse gotten into financial crisis where ended up by court declaring your bankruptcy.

Dream you may, but be prepare to work hard for it and be patience. The urges to go to the bank and apply for loan is unbearable sometimes, but when I think about it, I already have massive loan when graduated (thanks PTPTN) and need to repay it for many years to come. Then come the quest to make a living for my family, my wife, my future kids, they have needs such as good homes, food, transportation, clothes, internet, etc.

So many things comes to my mind, things that I wanted, that I wanted to buy, that I wanted to feel, that I wanted to enjoy, may just ended up just the things that bother up my mind when it is not occupied with the family or work problem. At first I thought it can relax my mind a little bit and release some stress. Apparently not, it added stress for me as I cant have it.

With the rising cost of living to worry about, house prices going up like a rocket, things will be tough to the young adult like me to start a living. Well, nothing good comes easy and as tough as I look the road ahead, the journey must go on....

The whisper of my thought

Sometimes I had something to say, sometimes I don't. Some says its best to kept something secret, but most of the secret will leak out anyway someday.

The blog will reflect mostly what I thought or feel, and the other part, Im trying to sharpening my writing skills, but I broke the grammar rules any day :D
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